- エージェント
中西 雅章Masaaki Nakanishi

- 080-3785-2338
- masaaki.nakanishi@remax-agt.net
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- LINE ID : masaakinakanishi
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中西 雅章
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- 携帯電話
- 080-3785-2338
- メールアドレス
- masaaki.nakanishi@remax-agt.net
- 役職
- エージェント
- 対応可能な言語
- 日本語、英語
出身地:大阪 誕生日:1984/6 幼少期から大学まで大阪で過ごし、卒業後は某信用組合で1年半ほど勤務。 大学生活中にカナダに短期留学し英語を通して異文化の交流をしたいと思い、 イギリスへワーキングホリデーで2年間留学。 帰国後、中古車輸出関係の会社に海外営業部に8年間勤務。 リージョナルマネージャー、チームリーダーほか数々の業務経験。 2018年に大阪に戻り、繊維関係の会社兼物件管理業に勤め今に至る。 *My profile* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was burn in Osaka and live here now. I went to University and I spent many times for childhood in here. Went abroad to Canada for a month during the university life. then I was so impressive and really fun to communicate with a variety of nationality in the different culture. I worked for local bank for year and half after graduating from University then I decided to go aboard to English by working holiday visa for 2 years. I worked as oversea sales at the used car exporting company based on Yokohama for 8 years for after coming back from England. For the working experience, I was enthusiastic to make sales for many countries such as some parts of Africa, Caribbean countries, Asia, Oceania, and so on, and also help to open the branch in Africa and worked as regional manager for some countries as well. In 2018, I was back to Osaka from Yokohama city in Kanagawa prefecture then I have worked at the textile company and have made management for their own real estate by now. *My personality and my carrier* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have in open and flexible mind and I am optimistic. Its common that there are always good thing and bad thing for each of our lives. When bad thing happen, I always move on in positive way. When I used to work at previous company, I had had problem of business with customers but I usually solved the matters. I set my mind on caring a demand of customer and providing a quality of service what's more, I had a good connection with my team and all rest of department. I strongly believe that working as agent of RE/MAX, will follow all my great experience to make many satisfaction for client.
こんにちわ、中西です。 日頃生活に必要な住居、仕事で必要な場所を探していると耳にすることがあります。ぜひ手助けをしたいと思いますのでなんでも気軽にご連絡ください。世間話でも構いません。 Hi, I am Masaaki. Many people around me have asked me to find good house, good apartment and to find me place of the office, shop for business many times so far. One day, I realized that there is no reason not to help those people. I deal with rental housing, apartment, office, shop, anything more and selling and buying for houses, commercial building, and more. Feel free to contact with me!